FPT developed FFP mobile application introduced to Vietnam Airlines passengers

Within the scope of the event "Million miles tribute" of Vietnam Airlines took place on 12th December, FPT’s mobility product Frequent-flyer Program Mobile Application has been introduced to more than 400 “million-mile” customers of Vietnam Airlines. With the presentation of the new application, Vietnam Airlines hopes to enhance the maintenance and development of their customer relationship management system.


Vietnam Airlines introduced new Moblie application developed by FPT Software to their "million-mile-customers".

FFP Mobile Application is an application on smart devices provided for regular customers of the Vietnam Airlines, which consists of all functions available on Vietnam Airlines’ system website such as account management, distance management, bonus payment. The product is presented as a gift and commitment from Vietnam Airlines to best satisfy their customers with the world latest and up-to-date technology.

Mobility is one of FPT’s main focuses together with modern technology namely Cloud, Big Data and Embedded System. The introduction of the new mobile application from FPT not only helps Vietnam Airlines improve their customer brand image but also opens further cooperation opportunity between the two companies in various other services and domains.