The significant contributor to the business transformation of thousands of enterprises


Over the past decades, Vietnamese-branded platforms, software, and solutions developed by FPT have transformed business operations and management, increased labor productivity, boosted revenue, and brought success to tens of thousands of enterprises worldwide. Convenience and satisfaction for corporate leaders and their employees have been enhanced due to that.

The significant contributor to the business transformation of thousands of enterprises

Rang Dong Factory was founded in 1961, following the traditional state-owned business model. Regarding Rang Dong's digital transformation journey, Mr. Nguyen Doan Ket - Vice Chairman and Deputy CEO of Rang Dong - affirmed that digital technology had created the "flywheel effect." "Digital transformation has helped Rang Dong improve its ability to adapt to the environment and the market amidst uncertainties. On that basis, we have expanded, got familiar with the omnichannel approach, joined the platform economy, created an exponential growth network, and exploited a new business model," he said. According to Mr. Nguyen Doan Ket, digital transformation facilitates innovative production management, turning Rang Dong into a digital enterprise in the truest sense. In addition, technology applications also increase labor productivity, enhance automation and real-time operating capacity, as well as shorten the time to market.

The significant contributor to the business transformation of thousands of enterprises

Mr. Nguyen Doan Ket - Vice Chairman cum Deputy CEO of Rang Dong - shared several factors that help leaders drive successful digital transformation.

Similarly, An Gia Real Estate Corporation has been forced to transform since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. Doubling sales volume overloaded contract management and customer care services, putting pressure on the sales team. Facing the situation, the Boards digitally transformed the entire management system to solve the pain point of centralized data and provide a standardized database. Technology for real-time report retrieval, widely applied in the real estate industry, also significantly supported the leadership team.

Digital transformation has cheered up the leaders of companies like Rang Dong and An Gia Real Estate. Meanwhile, other businesses have gone bankrupt, mainly due to their failures to utilize Information Technology in operational management.

FPT has accompanied Rang Dong, An Gia, and tens of thousands of such enterprises on the digital transformation journey.

Accompanying the development of Vietnamese organizations and businesses

In 1988, 13 young scientists founded FPT with the aspiration to make it a mighty organization based on cutting-edge technological innovation. From its inception, the founders have defined the vision: Dedication to customer satisfaction and the country's prosperity. In 1990, the State promulgated two enterprise laws, opening a new era for economic development. That year, FPT signed the first commercial software contract - Deploying the booking system for the Vietnam Airlines ticket office (at No. 1A Quang Trung Street). Since then, the Corporation has always gone together with organizations and businesses of all sizes in all industries, such as Public Finance, Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, Energy, Manufacturing, Real Estate, etc. During the past 35 years, FPT has made practical contributions to business operations and procedures as well as the overall development of organizations.

Providing comprehensive solutions based on understanding business needs

In 2016, when "digital transformation" appeared as an emerging concept, FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh considered it a golden opportunity not to be missed for the country. With a deep understanding of business demands accumulated over years of working with global customers, FPT has distilled the quintessential knowledge and has been the first technology enterprise in Vietnam to develop a comprehensive digital transformation methodology called FPT Digital Kaizen. "FPT has been fortunate to work with the world's leading corporations, such as Airbus and Siemens. We were also supported by Mr. Phuong Tram, former CIO of DuPont Group, and learned much from him. To be more specific, DuPont Group has been so far one of the few global enterprises that gained achievements in digital transformation," said Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa, FPT's CEO.

With this approach, FPT can examine the business needs, visions, and goals, assess the digital maturity, and propose end-to-end digital initiatives, roadmaps, and solutions.

From 2020 to now, the automation rate of Thien Long factories has reached more than 78%. Some operational processes have been digitized, saving time, costs, and manpower.

From 2020 to now, the automation rate of Thien Long factories has reached more than 78%. Some operational processes have been digitized, saving time, costs, and manpower.

All resources are always well-prepared to meet businesses' diverse needs, from consulting and planning to implementation. The Corporation provides the Made-by-FPT digital transformation ecosystem, which includes over 200 solutions with the latest technologies to resolve business pain points in operation, sales, and management. Furthermore, 60,000 employees working in 29 countries worldwide, including more than 30,000 technology experts with a deep understanding of multiple domains, are resilient warriors turning digital transformation aspirations into reality.

Sustainable growth ensures satisfaction

Digital transformation contributes to creating joyful business leaders who do real-time, data-driven business, accessing reports and making timely decisions, quickly grasping all business opportunities, thereby ensuring sustainable growth. Employees feel more motivated as they are liberated from repetitive tasks, which increases labor productivity. Technology sets them free to do what they like, going beyond their limits and having worthy praise and recognition for their contributions and achievements.

Laying the foundation with those values, FPT has been and continues to accompany businesses toward sustainable growth and happiness.

Receiving Vietnam's Most Valuable Tech Brand Award in 2023, Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa - CEO of FPT - said that FPT Corporation defined its mission as a happiness-driven organization. "Sustainability is the foundation of a happy nation," he affirmed.

Notable Made-by-FPT digital transformation platforms and solutions

  • akaBot - Top 6 Global RPA Platform (Software Reviews).
  • FPT CloudSuite - A suite of multi-cloud solutions won the Silver Stevie Award in the category of Innovation in product development and design.
  • SoundAI Solution and Digital Commerce and Experience Service won two Gold awards at the 2023 IT World Awards.
  • Vietnam's leading SME management platform,, earned 8,000 customers.
  • FPT.AI platform is widely used in 15 countries by over 100 enterprises in numerous sectors, including Finance - Banking, Insurance, Retail... serving more than 12 million end users per year.
  • FPT Cloud comprises more than 80 cloud computing services, such as Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). The company is a reliable partner of more than 2,400 businesses in diverse industries, including the 100 most prominent enterprises in the VNR500 list.