Accompanying the Government, Ministries, and citizens in creating happiness


In the journey of constructing the digital nation, FPT stands alongside the Government and Provincial Leaders to drive the development of the digital Government, digital economy, and digital society, with the aspiration to build a happier future for all leaders, organizations, and citizens.

Digital transformation has evolved from being a mere concept or something to consider into an essential part of life—a must-do for all nations. With the goal of comprehensive transformation within the next decade, propelling the country toward breakthrough development on a regional and global scale, Vietnam stands as a pioneer among nations in formulating strategies and programs for national digital transformation.

Accompanying the Government, Ministries, and citizens in creating happiness

Leading Vietnam to the forefront of technological trends

The digital transformation concept was first discussed in 2016 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. As a founding member of the forum since 2011, FPT swiftly seized this opportunity with the desire to help Vietnam catch up with the Fourth Industrial Revolution and to embrace and lead emerging technologies.

Mr. Truong Gia Binh, Chairman of FPT, shared: "In 2016, the WEF Chairman and many of our customers in the U.S. predicted that cloud computing, Big Data, and artificial intelligence would be future trends. At that moment, I saw the opportunity".

Recognizing that successful digital transformation requires the right approach, FPT spent a year developing the FPT Digital Kaizen methodology to accompany businesses and governments in seizing digital opportunities, creating substantial values that shape the future. Furthermore, the Corporation introduced the model for businesses' digital maturity level assessment, which laid the foundation for businesses to strategize a holistic digital transformation roadmap and appropriate digital initiatives.

FPT Corporation announced its development orientation for the 2019-2021 period with the vision of becoming a global digital transformation services provider.

FPT Corporation announced its development orientation for the 2019-2021 period with the vision of becoming a global digital transformation services provider.

During these years, FPT has made substantial investments in developing an ecosystem of over 200 products, services, and solutions that aid organizations of all scales and fields in accelerating their digital transformation processes. It has led to increased productivity and cost savings, ultimately delivering the highest value to the community. In 2021, FPT established a digital transformation consulting company to provide end-to-end digital transformation services, ranging from consultancy on strategies to implementation and offering digital solutions.

The prerequisite for driving digital transformation across the three pillars of the digital economy, digital society, and digital Government is leadership's determination. FPT promptly initiated numerous programs and activities to change perceptions about digital transformation for tens of thousands of leaders, key personnel, and youths in various organizations and provinces, inspiring the vision of a resilient nation built on innovations and technology.

FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh emphasized: “National digital transformation's success relies on the digital achievements of each locality and enterprise. It is a must to identify digital transformation leaders with the desire for change, the ability to inspire, and the capacity to foster connections, who head up the entire organization and individuals to walk together, create together, and act together.”

Eliminating geographical barriers, providing equal opportunities for citizens

More than 30 provinces and cities nationwide and various ministries have collaborated with FPT to accelerate the digital transformation that enables flexible adaptation to all challenges, centering on citizens and businesses.

At the 2023 Khanh Hoa Province Investment Promotion and Development Plan Announcement Conference, the Chairman of FPT Corporation, Mr. Truong Gia Binh, expressed his confidence that the Digital Conglomerate would bring happiness to leaders and citizens. Photo: Duong Giang/TTXVN.

At the 2023 Khanh Hoa Province Investment Promotion and Development Plan Announcement Conference, the Chairman of FPT Corporation, Mr. Truong Gia Binh, expressed his confidence that the Digital Conglomerate would bring happiness to leaders and citizens. Photo: Duong Giang/TTXVN.

Data is the power of every leader. Leveraging the strength of data, FPT constructs platforms, solutions, products, and services that enable organizational and provincial leaders to make real-time data-driven decisions, enhancing public capabilities and propelling digital nation and digital Government.

FPT CEO Nguyen Van Khoa said: “FPT is undergoing digital transformation and data centralization to build a happier future for society. Consider this metaphor: The national database is the heart, while local databases are blood vessels. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels while the arteries and veins nourish a healthy heart. Therefore, providing real-time data-driven guidance is essential - just like a heart that never stops beating.”

FPT collaborates alongside provinces and localities to establish the foundation of a digital economy, enabling every individual to access the market rapidly in an unprecedented manner. With a smartphone and internet connection, every household may become an enterprise, and each individual may do business beyond boundaries, utilizing cashless payment services.

FPT's digital transformation platforms, solutions, products, and services assist the Government and localities to accelerate their digital transformation efforts. Photo: Cong Hung.

FPT's digital transformation platforms, solutions, products, and services assist the Government and localities to accelerate their digital transformation efforts. Photo: Cong Hung.

Digital transformation also helps narrow geographical gaps, providing equal opportunities for people to access public services and offering life-quality improvements. Individuals may enjoy timely healthcare services and diverse and secure entertainment options. People also can reduce wait times in government offices.

One of the standout solutions contributing to FPT's digital efforts is FPT.IDCheck, which received the Asia-Pacific Stevie Silver Award in April 2023 in the selection of Creativity in Digital Transformation - Financial Services.FPT.IDCheck was developed within the context of the Prime Minister's decision to approve the project "Developing population data applications, identification, and electronic authentication to serve the national digital transformation phase 2022-2025, vision to 2030". With 100% accuracy, the solution fulfills identity verification needs across all sectors for any business or entity. FPT is the first private enterprise in Vietnam to meet the technology and security standards set by the Ministry of Public Security, allowing it to provide Chip-embedded Citizen ID Card authentication services.

In April 2023, the Smart City Operation Center in District 7 (HCMC) was launched. Built upon the database foundation of the Command Center for Covid-19 Prevention and Economic Recovery, which was collaboratively established and operated by District 7 and FPT, the center effectively supports leaders in simultaneously managing three critical tasks: pandemic prevention, economic development, and ensuring safety during the challenging circumstances of the Covid-19 outbreak in 2021. The objective is to offer synchronized technological solutions, providing seamless integration and flexible data sharing between existing and future systems. It creates a unified database for the district, digitizing and integrating data across various fields such as economy, urbanization, resources and environment, healthcare, culture, and society.