FPT accompanies Vietnamese enterprises in technology and innovation

FPT with the experience accumulated over the past 30 years is committed to being a technology and innovation ally of businesses.


Nearly 200 leaders of Vietnam's leading private enterprises attended the forum named "From survival to prosperity" with the topic of "Firmly overcome the crisis" organized by FPT yesterday, shared and discussed key issues and top priority solutions based on the businesses’ actual experiences in preventing and fighting "Covid-19" in recent years. The forum is exclusively for business owners and top leaders and is held in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and on the online conference system.

According to FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh, “For Vietnamese enterprises, especially private ones, the companies are their own blood and flesh. Now, in the face of the once-new millennium crisis, the businesses need to be more decisive and strong. That fight is not only for our own businesses and for our family, but also for the mission of protecting national economic pillars. The forum "From survival to prosperity" is an opportunity for businesses to gather, encourage and share real stories, to discuss how to form alliances in the community of top Vietnamese companies to overcome difficulties together. FPT with the experience accumulated over the past 30 years is committed to being a technology and innovation ally of businesses.

At the forum, the businesses that are taking actions to promptly respond to Covid-19 such as VPBank, PNJ, Minh Phu Group, AA Corporation, Thien Long Group, FPT, Deloitte ... shared their stories and solutions to overcome the crisis by taking innovative measures, transforming business and working models, optimizing human resources and applying digital transformation.

According to the leaders of the participating businesses, the millennium pandemic Covid-19 is having a profound effect on all aspects of business operations. A quick survey at the event showed that 85% of business leaders forecast the impact of Covid-19 to last from now to the end of 2021 and possibly even longer. However, among these, over 50% of the leaders said that "opportunity lies in threat". Enterprises need to face difficulties, be prepared to seize opportunities. In which, digital transformation and technology application are a must.

And at this point, the five most critical issues for businesses are: Innovating, transforming organizations, growing revenue, protecting workers, maintaining working capital and Reducing supply chain disruption.

To solve these problems, with their own practical experiences, the leaders of the leading enterprises in Vietnam agreed to give urgent priority solutions.

First is to promote the role and spirit of the leader. More than ever at this moment, a business leader must affirm his leadership role, not only in thinking, in handling situations but above all, in inspiring and being persistent. Despite the different business contexts, the operating model of each business and the respective business strategy, it is more important to have a determined leader to move the business from “survival to prosperity". In order to ensure the survival and prosperity of an enterprise, the leader needs to act decisively and in a timely manner and determine strategies and decisions in the short term but with the long term vision. Besides, in this difficult period, leaders also need to give trust, inspire the “fighting spirit” of the employees to overcome the crisis.

The second is to be creative and be innovative with technologies. It is time to promote supreme creativity and innovation. Previously, digitization and automation were only the orientation of the business, nowadays, digitization and automation should be considered a must. Digitalization must be accelerated to create the most effective change for new value and profit for the business. The trials may be performed continuously for a short period of time, for a few weeks or a month to continuously learn from experience. For example, in the shrimp farming and processing industry, the shrimp farming success rate is usually 50-60%, to achieve the highest efficiency, it is necessary to raise this rate to 90-95% or even 100%. There is no other way to do this than to apply technology and artificial intelligence to the value chain of shrimp farming and processing.

The third is to focus on developing human resources. People are the most valuable asset to an enterprise. In the context of the complicated and unpredictable developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, enterprises need to preserve human resources, care and nurture a contingent of talents besides implementing solutions to increase labor productivity. Increasing productivity will help maximize business performance, reduce product costs to meet the trend that consumers are tightening their spending. In addition, in order to increase labor productivity, income must be increased to stimulate employee morale. Along with increasing labor productivity is implementing internal training programs to create teams that are constantly learning, ready to take creative initiatives to find opportunities to help businesses overcome difficulties.

Nearly 200 top Vietnamese private business leaders attended the forum named "From survival to prosperity" with the theme of "Firmly overcome a crisis"

Responding to the challenges, with his experience in consulting and implementing a series of digital transformation projects for large enterprises globally and in Vietnam, Mr. Hoang Viet Anh, Deputy General Director in charge FPT's digital transformation has come up with corresponding solutions by applying technology. According to Mr. Viet Anh, for the problem of the revenue growth, the restructuring of business processes and the investment in infrastructure to promote online sales are bringing about clear results. In fact, at FPT Retail, the online revenue during the Covid-19 period grew rapidly or the revenue of FPT's customer, a gas company in Japan, grew by 10%. At the same time, the application of online platforms will also help businesses ensure maintaining connection with employees.

On the issue of ensuring capital and innovation in operation, Mr. Viet Anh said that applying automation technology solutions will help businesses optimize costs, increase efficiency, and improve customer experience. Many FPT customers have applied automation solutions such as FPT SPro, FPT.AI, akaBot... to save up to 60% of costs and 80% increase in productivity.

For the problem of supply chain disruption, the application of the Online Fair platform will help connect domestic and foreign businesses easily. The Ho Chi Minh City Handicraft and Wood Industry Association has put this platform into application with 50 active showrooms and is expected to reach 100 showrooms by the end of the year.

As the initiative of Mr. Truong Gia Binh and the responses of leaders of leading enterprises at the forum, overcoming the crisis will no longer be a difficult problem when the business community associates, becoming united and developing together. Each surviving business, each prosperous enterprise will create a great driving force for the national economy to recover and develop in the future. The response of leading enterprises is the driving force for FPT to continue holding many meaningful forums in the near future.