FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh: Vietnam may potentially reach the Top 10 to Top 05 Countries in Technology


On November 2, during the visit of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, to Vietnam, the Prime Ministers of the two countries met with large businesses and corporations from Vietnam, the Netherlands, and South Korea at the High-Tech Forum organized by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Hanoi.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said, "Today, as I have the honor to return to Vietnam, I am amazed by the development of Vietnam's High-Tech Zones within just one year. In our delegation today, various companies come from the high-tech ecosystem of the Netherlands, bringing new business opportunities and valuable experiences. I hope today's event will start a new era of partnership between the two countries, not only in agriculture and climate issues but also in high-tech industries such as semiconductor manufacturing".

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte

In response to Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said, "Mr. Mark is a great friend of Vietnam. It is the 3rd time Prime Minister Mark has come to Vietnam. And we have more confidence to promote the relationship between the two countries. I want to express my gratitude to Dutch and Korean companies for investing in Vietnam and contributing to realizing cooperation opportunities in high-tech industries. I believe it will be a new dawn for cooperation among the three countries of Vietnam, the Netherlands, and South Korea."

The Prime Minister of Vietnam, Pham Minh Chinh

The Prime Minister of Vietnam, Pham Minh Chinh

The High-Tech Forum focused on discussing topics such as: Vietnam advancing to a higher position in the high-tech value chain - a global perspective; Nurturing high-tech talent in Vietnam - strategies and recommendations. Participating in the panel discussion as one of the leading global technology enterprises operating in 30 countries, FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh emphasized the importance of the high-tech development strategy and the commitment of the Corporation in providing training programs to nurture talent, grasping the local and global demands.

Mr. Truong Gia Binh stated, "In order to grow to a corporation with nearly 70,000 employees operating in 30 countries, our initial keyword is passion. Our passion is reflected in our vision, which is to contribute to the national prosperity. We encourage Vietnamese businesses to go global to seek new possibilities. By the end of this year, we will achieve one billion USD in revenue from foreign markets, and in the next five years, we plan to win five billion USD. It would not be easy to achieve this objective if we only focused on the local market. My final advice is on technology. Companies need to utilize the power of tech and integrate core strengths with the latest technologies such as AI, Chips, Big data... to enhance competitiveness."

FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh

FPT Chairman Truong Gia Binh

Possessing a talented workforce is a vital factor. Labor has been Vietnam's competitive edge for years. Vietnam has 104 million people in the golden age group, representing the potential to become the world's technology resource center. Mr. Truong Gia Binh affirmed, "The people of Vietnam have a tradition of loving math and technology. There are about one million IT engineers in Vietnam, which has steadily increased yearly. This continuous and stable personnel supply helps carry out long-term projects efficiently without interruption. Vietnam can potentially rank Top 10 to Top 05 in the world in technology. Our nation may become a new global high-tech destination. To materialize this ambition, we need to inspire the young generations. The young workforce of Vietnam needs to be trained and cultivated under favorable conditions."

FPT has continuously focused on high-tech services and solutions such as semiconductors, AI, and cloud computing in the last decade to meet global demand. FPT is the pioneer in Vietnam in producing commercial chips, and we have deals to manufacture nearly 70 million chips by 2025. We also have collaborated with partners from the United States and Taiwan and desire to connect to European semiconductor companies to tap into the potential workforce in this promising field. In addition, FPT also has the FPT.AI platform, honored as the Top 1 global AI platform in 2023. FPT established its office in the Netherlands in 2022, with a team of over 1,000 engineers in Europe and 30,000 engineers globally, helping Dutch companies with digital transformation.