FPT Software to introduce the driver training program FPT Hola

Researched and developed by FPT Software, FPT Hola is a simulation with integration of the Internet-of-things and a mobile, so as to deliver many innovative conveniences to learning drivers and training centers.


The need for automobile driving lessons have been steadily increasing lately, leading to the overloading of training centers, as well as the maximum amount possible of vehicles on the field at any given time, causing stagnation. Along with this, learning drivers usually feel great discomfort when they have to travel long distances only to discover the allotted time on the practice field not to their liking, due to its dependence on weather conditions, time, and the density of other vehicles in the area.

Understanding these issues, the experts and software engineers at FPT Software have researched and developed FPT Hola - a 100% Made by FPT product.

FPT Hola is a simulation with integration of the Internet-of-things and a mobile platform. What’s remarkable about FPT Hola is its system of simulating various driving, from practicing standard driving skills to standalone exercises, stage-based tests depending on car type, supplementary lessons and test drives…FPT Hola brings with it many innovative conveniences, the students will be able to practice in many varying driving conditions, closer to reality under the close instruction of the program. They can also take the time to practice while waiting for their turn in the field.

For driver training centers, FPT Hola will optimize their work efficiency through the utilization of unused spaces and vehicles in its practice system, enabling the accommodation of hundreds of students at the same time… Centers can also expand their service catalogues by renting out training devices so the students can practice on their own at home.

On evaluation of implementing this technology into driver training, Lt. Col.  Nguyen Manh Hung, the People’s Police Academy 1 - asserts: "Personally, I am very interested in this project – the utilization of this technology in teaching can create entirely new driver training techniques. I have allowed my own students to test out the program in the past six months, with a license passing rate of 100% on the first attempt. Only one orientation session is needed for the students to be able to self-practice with the program. Both our teachers and students were left very satisfied".